daytimebaconbeefblackolivesgreenpeppershammushroomsonionspepperonipineapplesausagetomatolgdoughmeddoughsmdough domozzarellaparmeseancheddarprovolonemeunster 17649137410868128538477777 24324632553464218234444 34313621463263217214444 47637126310665108331405555 51411614231061717111220156637911111111 6191582335158252915162923119612117171717 71312718281372023121324188779714141414 U/Mpkgpkgcanpkgpkgpkgpkgpkgcanpkgpkgboxboxboxcanpkgpkgpkgpkgpkg 2)The data rag 1 in the worksheet will help you know the ignore in which the pizzas are sold according to the day, week and calendar month of the year. This table will help you determine what will be the trend of sales in a particular season. crack u p for example sales are higher in capitula! tion from the months of October to December on an average. This table will also help you figure out the average sales of type of each pizza. Below I have shown the average sales of the week 52 and 53. Also by changing the preference in the pivot table you can...If you want to get a well(p) essay, order it on our website:
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